Ready To Represent

By Aimee Bisbee

Rogers, ARK–12 new scholar council members from grades 7th-12th have been elected for the 2024-2025 school year; these scholars have big aspirations for this school year.

12th-grade president Addison Sexton states why she chose to run. “I wanted to make a difference at the school, and I felt like student council would be a good way to do that,” she said. Sexton describes her interest in increasing the lunch options and volunteer opportunities for scholars.

Miguel Uy, the 12th-grade co-president, adds to Sexton’s comment. “I also want to increase volunteering opportunities,” he said. “I also thought it would be cool if we had more events.”

Fun events for scholars seem to be the focus of the scholar council this year. Uy believes the first event should be a fundraiser. “We could…do some sort of fundraising for Halloween. Maybe a haunted mansion, where people pay for it, and tour the campus, and try to make it out alive.”

Kaitlynn Helt, treasurer and 11th-grade representative, shares her excitement. “I am most excited to help plan our dances and events this year,” she said.

Scholars at Haas Hall Academy are known for being involved in a multitude of different extracurriculars. Uy describes his interest in more club collaboration throughout the school.

Uy states, “We have clubs organizing all these things where they are competing, and trying to fundraise the most money,” he said. “What if we just had something where all the clubs could collaborate.”

To improve the scholar experience and represent their peers, scholar council members are eager to listen to what their classmates have to say.

Sexton states, “I listen to others…and what they’d like to see changed. If somebody wants something done…I’ll get it done for you.”

Helt adds her view, “I believe that hearing scholars’ concerns and ideas will improve the way the scholar council works.”

The scholar council members would like to clarify that the ideas mentioned in this article are just concepts and nothing is guaranteed without the approval of HHA’s administration. However, if any scholar would like their voice to be heard they should contact their representatives listed below.

7th Grade

Jacob Huang. Sophia Kapity.

8th Grade

Mylia Block. Ethan Chapman.

9th Grade

Clark Sievert. Charlie Carroll.

10th Grade

Aiden Lewis. Dylan Tran.

11th Grade

Vlad Thompson. Kaitlyn Helt.

12th Grade

Miguel Uy. Addison Sexton.